My African Friend is Learning Chinese | Common Mistakes

Guys, what’s up? How is going your Chinese learning? I have been very busy with personal and professional issues.

Cha Bu Duo -almost.
Cha Bu Duo -almost.

Life is Shanghai and other parts of China is gradually coming back to normal.

Chinese Idiom Stories 1 Paperback
Chinese Idiom Stories 1 Paperback.

I just met my African friend (from Ghana) a few days ago. We had a brief chat. I observed something interesting, the common mistakes while learning Chinese and thought of sharing with you people.

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Well, it was January when I met him for the first time. He had been in China for 3 years and been learning Chinese since the beginning.

So, I asked him (in Jan) how his Chinese learning was going on.

He said Hen Hao (很好).

  • 很好 (Hěn hǎo): very good

Although he was just expressing his feelings, it’s weird to say “very good”. It might be interpreted as “boasting”.

If someone asks you the same, you can say:

  • Hai Keyi (还可以, Hái kěyǐ): It’s okay. Not bad
  • Hai Xing Ba (还行吧, Hái xíng ba): It’s alright

Anyways, this was in January.

Then I met him a few days ago. I asked him the same question.

He said: Cha Bu Duo (差不多, Chà bù duō).

I was surprised. I asked him what he really meant.

He said “so-so”.

Well, Cha Bu Duo does not mean “so-so”.

If you have to say “it’s okay”, just say Hai Keyi (还可以).

Chinese Idiom Stories 2 Paperback
Chinese Idiom Stories 2 Paperback

Cha Bu Duo (差不多) has so many meanings, including “almost” or “nearly equal to”.

  • 差不多 (chà bù duō): almost


  • 差不多5点了 (Chà bù duō 5 diǎnle)。It’s nearly five o’clock.
